To help with customer complaints procedure M53 Motors Ltd t/a GroupM53 subscribes to the Motor Ombudsman Code of Practice for Service and Repair, as well as all TMO compliance monitoring procedures.
Where your complaint cannot be resolved, once you have exhausted our internal process you may refer to the following CTSI Certified Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service in relation to the Code for Service and Repair.
Where your complaint does not relate to financial services, contact Motor Ombudsman. For details of their services you can contact them on their website at or 0345 241 3008
Where your complaint relates to Financial services, contact the Financial Ombudsman Services. This service is free to use. Their helpline is available on 0300 123 9123 or 0800 023 4567 or you can visit their website at, email them at or write to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.
Where any dispute cannot be resolved through ADR, this Purchase Order and Contract shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with laws of England and Wales an shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.